פיגוע ההתאבדות שהתרחש השבוע (22/5/2017) במנצ'סטר ארנה החזיר אותנו באחת למראות הזוועה של פיגוע ההתאבדות בדולפינריום ב-1 ביוני 2001, ובו נרצחו 21 אנשים, רובם בני נוער שביקשו לבלות במועדון ריקודים. בשני הפיגועים המרצחים פוצצו עצמם בתוך ריכוז הקהל צפוף, מחוץ לאולם. בדרך פעולה זו משיג המחבל הרג ונזק מקסימלי, מבלי להתחכך במערך הכניסה המבוקרת לאולם,…
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מקצועיות אתיקה וערכית בתחום הביטחון
The professional staff of the Homeland Security Academy at Wingate College, Israel compiled the "Code of Ethics of Security". The purpose of this article is to present the topic of professional ethics in general, and professional ethics as it relates to the field of security, in particular; and to propose this code as a foundation applicable to…
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בטחון כפי שמשתקף במודל PMO
Security plans are evaluated, first and foremost, by how well designed they are, and by their appropriateness to address the threats, taking into account the secured organization's particular characteristics. In a routine combat situation, forces are deployed one facing the other, each having an equal opportunity to plan and implement defensive and offensive actions. The…
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עיר ללא אלימות – חשיבות הארכת סיכונים
The terms "SAFECITY" and "Violence-Free City" have recently been added to the glossary of public administration and local government. In the most general terms, these are two models – similar, yet different – of coordinating efforts and pooling resources for the purpose of enhancing the quality of life of the community and its inhabitants, and…
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מחיר הכשלון או חסכון בעלות
Major security failures are not necessarily the result of professional deficiency. Sometimes, even the worst failures originate in a minimizing assessment of the risks, or in the avoidance of making a decision. The events of September 11, 2001 were a turning point in the history of world terror. Four passenger aircraft were hijacked while on…
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